Happy 35th Anniversary Gloria and Rich

Posted: Jul 05, 2010
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_2221 The pre party get together waiting for Gloria and Rich to arrive for their surprise 35th anniversary party. Do you think 7 bottles of wine would be enough? IMG_2223 A very surprised Rich and Gloria arriving back from dinner with their family Eric, Alaina, Sarah and little Amelia who planned the party without their knowledge. Way to go Kim and Will for setting things up for the family... now on to those 7 bottles of wine and cake IMG_2229 Congrats on 35 and many more years ahead! IMG_2231 One rule after 35 years, no smashing cake in anyone's face. A nice evening was had by all. The beautiful and delicious cake came from the new Whistle Stop Bakery in Minocqua on 70 West IMG_2232 It was also Kate from Ireland's birthday. With her phone service not working up here for text messages from her family with brithday wishes, it was nice to have a cake with her 2nd family IMG_2225 The Mosquitos along withe everyone else had a great time.... and the bottom of the 7 bottles of wine was not quite found. I hear Gloria and Rich are having a wine party later in the week
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