Gray day in the Northwoods

Posted: Mar 05, 2009
Categories:  Resort Life 
[caption id="attachment_1102" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Sums up the mood in the Northwoods"]Sums up the mood in the Northwoods[/caption] Our local elementary school has 600 students and all week long they have been averaging 90 or more kids out with what I have named, the plague. It comes with a high temp for 5 - 7 days and a cough that makes the hairs on the back of a mom's neck stand on end. I lost track of the number of Star Wars and Lord of the Ring movies that have been played this week with 3 lumps on the couch with glassy eyes watching and sleeping. Poe even got into the misery and slipped on the ice and is now on predizone injection in his hip. Top it all off with my computer on its last legs with a failing hard drive (locked up twice making me retype this entry so far) and a faulty DVD/CD drive. New computer is coming tomorrow and there is hope that at least one of the kids will make it to school..... we shall see if either happens Even Cliff was looking moody and dejected. Poe high on drugs was offering his consolation and recommending a trip to see the local vet Doctor Joe for his amazing predizone injection to get Cliff a boost.. or was it the doggy biscuit that Doctor Joe gave Poe that made him perky again If you don't see another blog entry tomorrow you know why. The sun will come out at some point I have been promised
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