Gracefully Heading Down The Tomahawk

Posted: Jul 22, 2010
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_2668 Mid Summer an time for a excursion away from the resort. We were led by local guide Grace to a calm 1 1/2 hour paddle in Kayaks down the Tomahawk River. Loaded up the Kayaks and down the road we went IMG_2670 We started out at the Willow Dam about 15 minutes from the resort. The Willow Flowage is looking good after all the rain we have had. I heard they are going to open the gates for the white water tournament in Wausau later this month. The Willow is an amazing remote body of water with few houses and mostly state owned. It is worth the trip to see. IMG_2671 Heading down the river. The Tomahawk flows eventually into Lake Nokomis another reservoir lake to our south IMG_2673 Our fearless local guide Grace. Who remembered the bug spray (we left in the car), extra life vest (we forgot at the resort) and air tight and dry first aid kit (which never occurred to us) 90% of the time in the summer Grace has her kayak in her car and GPS on hand for any adventure she might run into or plan. She knows all the great local haunts to explore. She can also have a group of unruly 4 year olds marching to the beat in an orderly line and washing their hands. Amazing! IMG_2677 Twists and turns of the Tomahawk through trees and by old cabins IMG_2678 Negotiating around obstacles. First one through has to break through the spider webs IMG_2696 No problems getting around obstacles IMG_2698 Spotting a bridge usually means the take out point and it was for us IMG_2701 Our final destination a take out at Little Rice Resort and restaurant. The restaurant was closed. Grace endorsed their fish fry as one of the best in the area. She said they even have bluegill on the menu! Yum! Have to stop back for our next fish fry. You can get to Little Rice Restaurant and Resort by either going down County Y or Cedar Falls to Willow Dam Road and then on to County Y Thanks Grace!
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