Going to the dogs

Posted: Mar 29, 2012
Categories:  Resort Life 
John Wrobel stopped in to collect his Ice Out 2012 winnings. Since Cliff was a little tied up in the basement drying out, his buddy Cleo presented John with the money. John's wife Linda who has won in the past was a bit jealous of Cleo's good looks but was happy to hear that she and John were going out to dinner with the winnings. Linda promised Cleo a steak bone from dinner for the troubles Cleo had to go through to present the award and the humiliation Come on big guy give me a kiss on the nose, Linda won't mind In other news.... When will Troy's winter hat finally be put away? I stopped down to see what they had going on and found him not far from his hat As usual stuck in a small hole that nobody else would work in. For those in Holiday they will be happy to know that this is the underside of the kitchen sink that is being repaired from water dripping over the years on to particle board cupboards (don't get me going on why anyone made kitchen cupboards out of particle board but Craig got a good deal on them, and the guys are now fixing them). When done hopefully there will be some nice linoleum in place of the particle board Kitchen chaos Once again Olja is just happy they are working inside and she has a nice place to sleep while Steve works. Ahh the life of an old dog
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