Getting The Call

Posted: Oct 26, 2017
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_3742 The sun was out... but it was cold.... I was happily doing book work and the call came.... We need your help... Come to the beach... I should know by now what that means. I get the call 2 times a year, spring and fall IMG_3744 The guys need help with getting the blue dock out IMG_3746 Penny has not figured out that going with Steve in a boat in late October is a cold place to be IMG_3743 Mack in his infinite wisdom of older dog knows the shoreline is the place to be IMG_3747 Dang Steve, the boat floor is cold for me to sit on. Where is my ball.... hmmm ball Steve we left it on the shore by the shaggy one who steals it from me and won't give it back.... Steve, do you see he has my ball? IMG_3748 Relax Penny, I am good at this and don't rock the boat or we both go in IMG_3749 Now what do I do with this? Hey quit taking pictures and come help IMG_3750 Can I get out of the boat yet? IMG_3740 You guys could not have done this with out my help IMG_3741 Hey Troy lets let her think that til spring and next spring she gets the leaky waders and the lake temp of 40 degrees and we take the pictures
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