Getaway And Fun Around The Resort

Posted: Aug 14, 2020
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_3664 Troy and I got away for another adventure in our RV. We headed to lake Superior and had a great couple of days along the lake and walking up a few streams and a few water falls. We are happy too be enjoying some adventures in our travel trailer. Jake and Sarah took the reins for us for a couple of days and we appreciate them for doing that IMG_3586 Back at the resort it was movie time. This time a fun Disney movie for all the littles we have running around the resort this week IMG_3655 Lots of kids not much taller than the tether ball this week IMG_3654 Hard to play tetherball when the ball chases you around the pole IMG_3656 Big sisters watching from afar with lots of tetherball advice IMG_3660 Then off to the races on the horse swingings IMG_3575 A big thank you this summer to our movie gurus, Ben and Grant. They had the idea of making a drive in on the playground. They have hosted and got the movies going all summer with many technical difficulties that were beyond mom and dad. Thanks Ben and Grant! Grant is off to college for year 3 soon and Ben is still hoping for an accounting job. Both are done with the Zipline for the summer which I am thankful for IMG_3565 Thanks to all who dropped off pop tops. These are headed to the Ronald McDonald house soon. I have a Ronald McDonald house person who works at one coming this week. I will let you know which house she is taking them to. Keep them coming! Bring them along with you when you come and I will get them in the right direction. You never know how special Ronald McDonald Houses are till you need one IMG_3566 Bellas Jump ropes she makes with Steve have found a display outside the office. Stop and Check them out. They are 10 dollars and the best jump ropes around 61878642817__EDC57223-0E26-492E-BD30-20602B6717CC The sock machine has been humming along Everyday I have been adding more stuff to the sock shop website. is the site. I share pictures on the sock shop Facebook and Instagram pages of what is being added. It is kinda fun to see if you are interested in the sock shop. I also have put a video of the peddling machine working. Right now I have all the socks and fingerless gloves on the site. I will be adding more ankle socks, scarves and hats hopefully this week. IMG_3598 Busy life at the resort we enjoy but moments like this are priceless. That is Troy not working and enjoying sand between his toes I forgot to mention the Resort also just got an instagram page along with the sock shop both are listed on Facebook and Instagram
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