Fishing, Iphones and Cute Kids

Posted: Aug 04, 2013
Categories:  Resort Life 
Lots of little things going on. First of all for those interested in the fate of my Iphone, it has lived to die another day. Its 2nd trip in a bag of rice after the water bowl incident worked. With in one month the phone has taken a trip in the toilet, wrong charger shoved in it breaking the prongs, and final insult a trip into Mack's water dish. All without insurance which I refuse to buy. It is now however encased in a 99 dollar Otter Case that is guaranteed to survive 30 minutes in water up to 6 feet and can be run over by a 2 ton truck. Now to put the case to the test. In hindsight I still would not have gotten the insurance but would have gotten the case right away Nora and Miran posing with their final collection that they were taking to Ronald McDonald House in their home town Now on to even cuter kids. How can you refuse these eyes and that hat. Our Chamber of commerce needs to enlist this young man for PR Grandpa feeling very loved by his grand kids while all the unpacking is going on You know you are on vacation with you are fishing on Sunday morning in your Pj's A little older and not in their Pj's but still having fun on Sunday morning fishing Catching bass and all smiles
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