Fastest Wood Splitting Technique

Posted: Oct 15, 2011
Categories:  Resort Life 
What are they up to? Rumor was out that Steve had been spending some time on youtube looking up among other things how to split wood quickly. We heard it was a blogable moment and everyone gathered at the wood pile to see the demonstration. Craig was doubtful that after all these years they could really come up with something new that he had not seen.. little did he know step 1 get a big stump and a tire Step 2, put log into the tire Grab a maul and start smacking. The key here is the log does not fall over everytime you hit it requiring you to kneel over and put it back up everytime Work your way around the log Empty out the tire and start again cr Craig had to step in and examine the modern technology Steve had researched What is he looking for I am not sure... You know I don't want to show Steve up by splitting faster than he can.. but I could if I wanted too,even with his new tire technique Doing smaller logs, just keep adding them til the tire is full I am master of wood splitting! Now what to do with all my extra time.... watch more youtube videos. Maybe they have an idea on how to bail out boats faster
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