
Posted: Jul 26, 2020
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_3291 We were happy to have family arrive for a visit. Mark and Kathy Lammers stopped in. It was a treat to spend time with them during these times. Mark flew from Seattle and was happy to enjoy a few days in the midwest visiting family and escaping COVID. They broke out my moms canoe paddles from storage with Steve and Bella. Everyone had a Trudy paddle to go canoeing with. Now to get the canoe IMG_3292 Mark and Kathy forgot how heavy the Mad River Mama was to carry. The canoe stays in storage at Steve's house and comes out for special occasions, and this was one of those occasions. Mark and Kathy spent many an hour in this canoe plunging through rapids with my mom steering. IMG_3293 Down the shoot it went IMG_3298 Worth braving airports in a mask for these moments on Lower Kaubashine with family and the Mad River Mama IMG_3302 Mark grew up with me driving skiers with the red boat back in the early 80's. Mark is one of the few I turn my steering wheel over to to have fun driving the boat through the waves. Mark's smile says it all. Driving the red boat shaves off at least 20 years IMG_3303 We may not be 16 anymore and whipping each other around the lake skiing throwing rooster tails but we sure had fun driving the old boat together again. By the time we made it back to shore Mark was taking the boat to full speed and jumping waves. Kathi was reminiscing her own famous red boat story involving a yellow polka dot bikini but that is a tale for another day..... IMG_3299 Til we meet again.... keep your paddle wet and your canoe pointed into the wind Family is what it is all about!
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