Fall is in the Air

Posted: Sep 08, 2010
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_3517 With temps in the 60's during the day and 40's at night it definitely is feeling like fall. Spots of color can be spotted here and there if you look closely IMG_3516 With a bit of rain coming down on Tuesday it was time to get the boats cleaned out. Sunshine seems to be breaking up the clouds IMG_3518 IMG_3514 Woodpecker making noise in the trees IMG_3520 Mac and I are working on Sit and Stay. He needs more work on it before he becomes a easy photo subject, but he is making progress. Only took 4 attempts at this picture to get it. What I learned is that he listens to stay when I put my hand up and say it, but when crouching down to take a picture he thinks that is the signal to come. As long as I stay standing he understands stay. Dog is training the human I think IMG_3521 I never thought this plant would bloom, I waited all summer thinking that this perennial I bought at a garage sale last fall was a dud. Turns out it is a late summer bloomer and very pretty. Can't remember the name of the plant
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