Exciting Days.... Ok not that exciting

Posted: Apr 26, 2009
Categories:  Resort Life 
Once in awhile the inspiration for pictures and writing is not there or following up the loon pics from last week just can't be matched. It was beautiful painting weather on Friday in the 80's and since then the rain has hit. The green boats have made it off the stack and painting has started John Deere Green paint... now waiting for a drier day to continue to paint. The raft got its first coat of paint with the white, now on to the orange. I hear we are getting dry weather by Tuesday. The wet weather has given the guys time to get the woodshed full with all their split wood from winter. One more pile left outside. It should find its way into the shed over the next few days With all this interesting things going you can see why I was stretching it to come up with a blog entry the last few days... Sunny warmer weather will bring the camera out more. Especially for a trip to Cedar Falls by the end of the week for the Muskie, Northern, Sucker spawn to see the big fish. Wanna have a great reason to come to the Northwoods over the next week or 2 that is for a trip to Cedar Falls it is one of my favorite spring events. Just picked up a new GPS for the summer for Geo Caching so I am sure there will be a few new adventures in the works complete with ticks, getting lost and anyother strange thing we can run into on a geo adventure
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