Enjoying Fall

Posted: Oct 21, 2019
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_0697 It was a wonderful warm weekend to enjoy fall in the Northwoods Mack was in to it IMG_0696 We took him for a walk on the Schlect Lake Trail 10 minutes from the resort IMG_0695 IMG_0694 IMG_0691 The volunteers at Schlect Lake are gearing up for winter with the grooming equipment out for ski trails. They do a wonderful job keeping these trails ready for skiers. Part of the trail is lit at night and very fun to do IMG_0692 This is the attachment that makes the ski tracks in the snow There is also a roller that goes down the trail first flattening out the snow. It is quite a process these volunteers do to keep the trails in great shape IMG_0685 Back at the resort Luke was learning from his grandpa Steve Peterman the ins and outs of pinball. Luke was joining the guys for his first time in the woods grouse hunting. Steve was beaming with three generations of his family coming to the resort with him hunting and spending time together IMG_0688 Steve had already left when I took this picture Sunday morning but here is the other 2 generations of the family spending a priceless weekend together IMG_0698 Still colors around the woods to enjoy for another week IMG_0681 This is always one of the prettiest maple trees in the resort IMG_0680
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