End Of Summer Sliding By

Posted: Aug 25, 2019
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_0165 Summer has been sliding by and in our final week of summer brought some great fairy house building. Terri and her grand daughter Olive spent the week thinking hard one what to make and where. They finally settled on the old playground grill IMG_0166 Here is a close up of their fairy house. Inside it is a fairy baby sleeping IMG_0168 What is a fairy baby? Well here it is decorated by Olive along with her fingernails Great fairy house! IMG_0157 I also had this picture shared by the Chu Family. They took all of the collected pop tops to Ronald McDonald House in twin cities. It was the biggest haul yet. We collect tabs all year for the girls to bring to Ronald McDonald. Keep the tabs coming! IMG_0155 With a little inspiration from the Hollenback family we took a couple of hours to hack down the invasive thistles, burdock and knap weed plants along Lower Kaubashine that have crept in. When we had our power lines buried last year the power company brought more than lines with them. They also brought invasive from other areas on their trucks. They have been popping up along the road concentrated by the power boxes. Steve had a particular gleam in his eye taking out this tall one We hope it helps our road stay looking like the northwoods and not a thistle invasion Thanks Hollenback Family! Libby in particular who is an invasive warrior with her clippers and gloves where ever she goes IMG_0156 Bella was having fun picking this weed that I can not remember its name. Troy was digging up 1st year burdock plants in the background IMG_0146 With the end of summer comes the end of summer jobs. Grant has been working at the zip line all summer and was on his final day and final tour. He took our whole family zipping through the trees as his final horah. He had fun keeping Steve in line and clipped in IMG_0141 Grants final zip of the summer. His summer of swinging in the trees is over but he sure had fun and earned money for college while doing it IMG_0181 Moved in to the dorm room with his buddies and ready for year 2 at Saint Norbert. Ben is on the other end of campus in his senior year. Ben will be graduating at the end of the year and ready to be a bean counting as an accountant. Their brother Jake who lives in Green Bay is happy to have his brothers around again and not far away IMG_0179 Back to the woods for us while the boys are off at school. This picture for a pilated woodpecker was taken by Libby Hollenback while she was hunting down knap weed last week
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