Empty Chairs

Posted: Jul 05, 2013
Categories:  Resort Life 
There is just something about an empty chair that makes you sad at the end of a great week at the resort. We have 3, 2 week groups at the resort where many guests stay 2 weeks. We have reached the end of the first 2 week group and it is always sad to see the chairs empty on Friday afternoon Everyone headed out for a last fish fry followed by the last campfire... Only thing that makes it better is to know that all the chairs will be filled up by Saturday afternoon with happy people ready to start their vacation We call it the weekly emotional roller coaster we go on with groups. The high energy on Saturday, relaxation by Monday and end of vacation blues that come on Friday. No week is immune it happens each week and we go along for the emotional ride hugging, shaking hands, saying hello, and saying goodbye...
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