Early Color Pics and a Muskie

Posted: Sep 24, 2019
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_0395 It is a beautiful time of year to be at the resort IMG_0397 The sugar maples are popping colors here and there and the pine needles have started falling as well. Many more colors to come in the next 2 weeks IMG_0386 This nice small muskie was caught and released this weekend by Jon Balun. His 2nd muskie ever and he was thrilled IMG_0388 The hardware store is closing and they had a deal on snaps. What do you do with a bucket of snaps.... IMG_0389 You start organizing them and think of all the uses you might come up with for them IMG_0391 A whole selection of pulleys for porch curtains was also in the bucket, just waiting for a porch to go on IMG_0396 Back to pretty fall pictures IMG_0398 IMG_0399 IMG_0400 This picture will be filled with a lot more color in about a week or two. We still have a few fall openings Our website has undergone a make over. We are still working out some of the bugs out of the system and wording. It will be evolving over the next few weeks as things change on it. Our availability is posted through the 4th week of August 2020 right now. Christmas and Thanksgiving calls are starting, if you want to spend the holidays in the Northwoods give a call soon as we are starting to fill up.
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