Driveway Chain Gang

Posted: Jun 24, 2012
Categories:  Resort Life 
Working the chain gang in the driveway filling in holes. Once in awhile a driveway paver comes in our driveway to ask if we want to write him a really big check and he will pave out driveway and every time we nicely say no. If we paved the driveway it would loose something... there is just something about having a gravel driveway that makes driving in our driveway different. Besides the point that pictures like this would be unnecessary if we paved the driveway. If we paved the driveway people would not have potholes to slow them down and there is just something Northwoods about having a long gravel driveway Did I mention that one load of gravel on the truck is 20 dollars? I don't think the kids appreciate this savings but for as long as I write checks there will never be one written out to a paving company While writing about working around the resort, may I introduce out latest employee, Sam. Sam and his twin brother Max have been nagging their mom Katie to bring them along on Saturday's with their older brother Conner to help out and earn the big bucks at the resort , 5 dollars for a mornings work (I also here the fringe benefit of a soda at lunch and popsicles left behind in freezers on Saturday's were high on his list) Sam is learning from his foreman Ben, how to rake straight and he is very good at distributing toilet paper to all the cabins. Next week it is Max's turn to help out. Welcome to the crew Sam
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