Difference between a Chain Motel and staying at Black's Cliff

Posted: Sep 30, 2011
Categories:  Resort Life 
There has been a lot of busy activity going in the direction of the sauna. Steve asked for the vacuum cleaner at lunch to clean out the sauna. What did he find in the sauna.. lots of pine needles left over from New Years with the Russians. Russians ring in the New Year with hitting each other with pine boughs and after many years of New Years and pine boughs it was time to give the sauna a little TLC. Saunas are not my thing, so the building is a bit off my radar for attention. Steve though thought it was time to give it a little attention. Side note: I made the sauna sign many years ago... anyone notice what I did wrong when cutting the sign? Every time I see it I shake my head and laugh. Chain motels order their signs perfect from catalogs.... Steve's comment for the day "Those Russians know how to have a good time" As I was taking pictures of Steve in the sauna Howard Berchtold walks by with the tree limmer in his hand..... What in the world was Howard up to? View from his cabin need a little trimming.... not sure but he looked like he had a purpose in mind. Did someone tell Jean he was walking around with this or is this a mission from Jean? Chain Motels keep their tools under lock and key, nobody is wandering through the lobby with a tree limmer Next thing I know Craig is in the Sauna with Steve and they have meters running and are sticking metal in outlets. I was just waiting for them to walk out with frizzed hair Um.... it was working until I removed a screw..... The master at work... If they can't figure it out I think we will just blame it on Russians armed with pine boughs As I was documenting the antics going on in the sauna, Howard walked up with the tree limmer and his 6 dollar lure he saved from a tree. Nothing is worse for a fisherman than loosing a 6 dollar lure to a tree. Uhhh Ohhh someone tell Jean, Howard was sucked into the project in the sauna. Most motels would put up a sign saying "Construction Area stay out" at Black's Cliff we put up a sign saying "Got an idea how this works or how to fix it, grab a beer and come on in" That is the difference between staying at a boring relaxing chain motel and Black's Cliff.
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