Deer in the Woods at Black's Cliff

Posted: Oct 12, 2009
Categories:  Resort Life This is my first experiment with video. A neighbor of mine is bow hunting in the 40 acres across from the resort and has cameras installed by his stand. Wade send me this video of 2 bucks in the woods by the stand. Hope the link works blacks 8 pt Wade also sent me this still picture of an 8 point at the stand. It is amazing what is in the woods and you don't even know it. This is just the first be prepared for the following:) Keep in mind that all these animals are around and do not want to see people anymore than you want to see them. They hear you coming and head off, but the camera does not bug them and they got caught on video at the stand blacksyote A little blurry but this is a coyote. Late in the day he shot a doe and blood trailed it for 20 minutes. The coyotes had already taken a few bites out. They are out there but very shy and take off when humans come around Next is my favorite pic. Definitely something to stay away from blacks bears One not enough how about 2. I believe this is a mom and baby but not totally sure. Now to see if the video works. Cut and paste the link in your browser I have more interesting pics and video coming from Wade. Thanks to Wade for sharing with the rest of us what is in the woods but we enjoy seeing through the camera lens and not in person
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