Day 2 and other things

Posted: Jun 26, 2012
Categories:  Resort Life 
These 2 friends Linda and Gloria crack me up. Day 2 and they have gone from SPF 15 to covering up under their clouds saying they needed to pace themselves to last the full 14 days. Gloria with her husbands hat on was asked if she wanted to go fishing by a friend out in a boat mistaking her for her husband Rich which her daughter Sarah got quite a laugh out of. Lets see if the hat returns to the beach for day 3 Friends always under a cloud In other news I walked out to the Sauna area and could not believe what I saw..... They were all standing around looking innocent... They had taken down the Black's Cliff Totem pole without me and my camera... I could not believe it... mumbling under my breath... They even had a minor accident without me... but all came down and the totem pole is underwraps for a couple of months til the 3 trees come down and the office is decided upon and built. Collection of tennis balls found under the sauna, possibly left over from Poe my old Golden Retreiver With the guys having top soil and some plants to move I started a new garden along the white rocks. It will be interesting to see how it develops, I have give up on this area ever being a lawn. Lillies of the Valley ferns and a few new trees I see taking over along the rocks and a woodchip path Yep I see it filling in adding some green to the yard but keeping the playground still a playground never fear. All Craig can say is "More Rocks?"
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