Cool Week

Posted: Aug 30, 2019
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_0246 It has been a cooler and wetter week than normal. Our folks this week keep asking me, is it usually this cool late in August. 70's and 80's are normal. mid 60's with lows in 40's has stopped most of the swimming and had everyone enjoying campfires when ever the skies have cleared IMG_0243 Little Sophie was happy to get out the cabin with her dolls getting dad to hang with the dolls and her on the cedar swing IMG_0230 The ladies in Muskie who will go unnamed as they are in the witness protection program named "what happens in Hazelhurst stays in Hazelhurst" have had lots of good laughs and special time with friends IMG_0206 Troy and I escaped for a little bike ride down the trail for a pizza at the Hazelhurst Pub IMG_0245 The colors will be popping soon. We are currently 80 percent booked in September. If you are looking for some dates book them now before we fill up. Our availability chart is up to date on the main website with rates. We still have some nice mid week opening specials going on and a just a few weekend openings IMG_0244' Time to get to the lake
(715) 356 - 3018   |   Email   |   Rates and Availability

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