Cool Fun

Posted: Jun 09, 2013
Categories:  Resort Life 
It has been a cool week and a bit rainy, but fun has been had. School ended!! That has to be the sign of fun. First campfire and smores of the season. Fishing has been good this week. Crappies and Blue gills are about a week behind in the spawn and started really coming in. Anything that had cover in the shoreline this week was a good fishing spot. Where the little fish go, so goes the big fish. Beth bought a pair of my socks earlier in the week when she came and on the way out the door had to pick up a 2nd pair. Wool socks were definitely appreciated in the cool weather on the lake this week. The sun came out and so did the sock maker. Nothing like a sunny day sitting on the deck in the sun after a cool spring. Wondering where to track me down this summer just check out my deck, I have a feeling as much time as possible will be spent on the deck soaking up some vitamin D and making a few socks Even tape rolling dog hair out of blankets is nicer outside.... growl.... grumble..... This is not my favorite way of spending time on my deck.... I much prefer the previous picture. Note to all dog owners... keep your dog OFF THE BLANKETS! I now return you to a happy blog entry about fun at the resort and am done grumbling I saw this idea at a different resort and decided to give it a try. We now have 2 small herb gardens by the office/community building. If you like to cook with herbs and miss your garden on vacation come on over with your scissors and snip from our garden. I think it will be a hit this summer
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