
Posted: Aug 16, 2014
Categories:  Resort Life 
cropped per template The picture above is of the Sweet Family taken a number of years ago in front of Bayview "their" cabin. The Sweet Family this summer marked their 27th year at the resort. It was one of the hardest years for the family as they lost Dick this year from a battle with Melanoma. Judy wondered about returning to the resort without Dick but the resort, Bayview and the friends they see have become such a part of the family that there was no question they came back. It was not easy to return without Dick, but it was a good visit for the family. In returning to the resort I mentioned to Judy another widow who came a week after loosing her husband and wrote a wonderful entry about feeling connected to her husband and family at the resort and maybe she should take a look at what the other lady wrote. Judy came into my office a couple of days later flabbergasted, she had read the journal entry and realized the other widow was someone she knew from Madison and they had never discovered they shared their favorite vacation spot Through this story of the 2 widows and the connection to the resort it got me to thinking. There are so many families that make up the resort. So many folks who go in and out of the screened doors, kids laughing in the driveway, reading or napping on the swinging beds. I thought it was time to take a year and share the stories of who makes up this place we call "Black's Cliff" So once a week I would like to make a blog entry of as many families as I can and tell their stories, how the came to the resort, how many years they have been at the resort or the Minocqua Area, what is their favorite things to do. I hope you enjoy this new journey the blog will take you on discovering who else is in the Black's Cliff Family outside the week you are here. There are some very interesting characters you will discover IMG_5103 The first couple to come through my door on this new endeavor was Jan and Alan Pierce. They started at the resort 20 years ago, after a fire at Mercer Lake Resort destroyed the cabin they were staying in. Al and Jan along with their friends Linda and John Wrobel spent many fall weekends and winter weekends exploring the Minocqua Area while staying at the resort. Al and Jan loved it so much they built a house and are now part time residents. They still stop by the resort to say hi and revisit the place they had so many good memories sharing with their dog Riley who they lost recently. Riley learned how to swim off our dock IMG_5102 We go from two families of 20 plus years to the Jepson Family who enjoyed their first year at the resort. James, Tyler and Faith loved swimming in a clean lake. Their last experience at a resort was a swimming area full of weeds. They were thrilled to discover how wonderful it can be to swim in a lake. Pinball and tether ball were also some of their favorite things to do. They hope to be back next summer for year number 2 and many more to come IMG_5101 The Wiederhoeft family enjoyed their 3rd year at the resort in Muskie Inn. They love the area it is perfect for everyone to meet at gathering from Milwaukee, Madison and Wausau. Sleeping on the swinging bed with grandma, smores, swimming and fishing are all top of the list for this family. IMG_5117 Another newbie to the resort was the Olson family. If their dog Jada has anything to say about it, it will not be their last. Renee graduated in the same class in high school as Troy in Menominee and was talking to Troy's nephew at the high school about the resort his uncle owned and luckily we found a place for them this summer. Everyone survived the Zip Line IMG_5116 Now on to the Eddy Family. The Eddy's started coming 14 years ago. The grandma of the group Barb organized the group and booked 2 cabins which has now become 3 cabins. They are up to 21 members but sadly lost Barb a few years ago. Grandma would be thrilled to see the tradition she started with the family is continuing without her. I am missing a few members of the family, they are a hard bunch to get all in one place IMG_5115 How do you cook for a group this size? Lots of brats... lots of brats I hope you enjoy sharing and learning about everyone who makes up the resort. Without all these great families and couples the resort would not be here Thanks to the Sweet Family for inspiring this weekly tradition I hope to continue. Barb and John, Bill and Leslie, who I missed getting pics of this week, I will get you next year. Might take me a couple of years to catch everyone. Hope you enjoy the journey of the families with me
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