Congrats to Ben!

Posted: May 18, 2020
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_2568 Our exciting news. Our middle son Ben graduated from Saint Norbet College this weekend. We tried to make it as special as we could for him graduating from home IMG_2521 Insert Pomp and Circumstance. His graduation walk has been delayed to August 29th but we were taking the pictures now He graduates with an accounting degree and minor in finance. Now to find a job! IMG_2524 Graduating Northwoods style with mom and dad. How many socks equals 4 years at Saint Norbert? A lot IMG_2533 Getting congrats from his brothers. Jake is teaching Biology in Green Bay at Preble High School. Grant is home for the summer and headed back to Saint Norbert in the fall for his Junior year. I still have socks to make this summer. Now though with just one in college part of every sock sale is being donated to The Lake Land Food Pantry along with getting Grant though school IMG_2544 We had fun with the neighbors on the road with honks all afternoon IMG_2502 Now that graduation is over time to get to work. Getting the docks in IMG_2492 Who got the leaky waders? IMG_2491 Grant sporting his Corona hair. No asking mom yet for a buzz cut. IMG_2490 Two heads are better than one 61125076191__B11BC0EB-222C-4B49-B6C1-FA47CD2B4E4D I picked up our first batch of hand sanitizer at the distillery. It is 30 dollars a gallon but well work it. We will be putting a container in each cabin and in a few spots around the resort. Keeping the cooties away! AEF07329-F836-43B2-B87C-53736F710852 My new friend is also a bucket of bleach water and my gloves. You will see these with me a lot this summer as we work hard to keep the surfaces around the resort germ free IMG_2515 We had a visitor this weekend. Momma bear and her cub. She was stopping by for our bird feeder. We have put the bird seed away but I ask everyone to be careful leaving any food outside over night for awhile. She and her cub got into our dumpsters as well. IMG_2511 Baby bear had scampered up the big white pine while momma had a stand off with Troy and his flashlight
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