Conditions Friday Morning

Posted: Feb 13, 2009
Categories:  Resort Life 
Many have been asking for conditions updates with the rain we had early in the week and the light snow we have had [caption id="attachment_993" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="More light snow last night"]More light snow last night[/caption] We had another round of light fluffy snow come in. At this point every 10th of an inch counts and makes everything look prettier [caption id="attachment_994" align="alignnone" width="337" caption="Driving down Lower Kaubashine"]Driving down Lower Kaubashine[/caption] The road is snow covered and every pot hole is felt! [caption id="attachment_995" align="alignnone" width="337" caption="Bearskin Trail "]Bearskin Trail[/caption] The Bearskin atleast looking snowcovered Poe and I tracked down John the Groomer Guy plowing his driveway after our fluffy 10th of an inch of snow. John loves to plow and takes every opportunity however small to escape his office and plow out the hardware store. Black's Cliff is not plowed nearly as much we have a 3,000 piece puzzle out on the dinning room table [caption id="attachment_996" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Straight talk from John"]Straight talk from John[/caption] John grooms the Bearskin on a regular basis and had unmentionable words to say on this G Rated blog when I asked about how the Bearskin trail was. He said it had gravel coming through and definitely needed a good snow fall. He did say the trails not near town in the woods are ok and rideable, but only a ____ idiot would drive their sled down the Bearskin right now. Never say the Birchbark Blog does not give the honest trail conditions [caption id="attachment_992" align="alignnone" width="337" caption="Steve sweeping (not shoveling) last nights snow fall"]Steve sweeping (not shoveling) last nights snow fall[/caption] I did hear more encouraging words about the X Country Trails. I talked with a neighbor on the Nordic Team and he reported Camp 9 road was fine going out to Winter Park. Camp 9 road is always an adventure in driving with no turn arounds, when it is mucky you never let your foot off the gas. Right now it is fine and frozen! My neighbor reported the trails as marginal but acceptable last night. Winter Park is supposed to be grooming tonight with the cold temps and the new snow in the last 2 days hopefully that will bring it above marginal to atleast Ok - Good condtions on most of the trails. Most of their trails are in the woods and snow in the woods did not take the hit that the more areas did. So skiers should be in Ok shape for this weekend. Reports are of a storm on Tuesday - Wednesday of next week lets hope that pans out and trails can rebound completly. Ski trails will bounce back much faster than the snowmobile trails
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