Christmas Decorations Going Up

Posted: Dec 10, 2010
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_4544 Just in time for winter the resort truck made it back from the plow guy who installed a plow on to it. Good thing as we have 13 inches of snow in the forecast for Saturday. Steve was happy to test it out and break it in on the 2 inches that came down over night. We had been waiting for the truck to come back to put up our Christmas decorations on the gate IMG_4547 The truck is the only way to reach the top of the gate safely IMG_4546 Christmas bells going up IMG_4551 One individual that could careless about the truck. He ran for the hills when Steve tested the plow out. The scary sounds from the plow dragging across the ground made Mack scurry away like a bear was chasing him. He would come no closer than this to the truck. You can see the abstinent look of "no way am I coming anywhere near that white machine of noise" IMG_4548 IMG_4552 Starting to look more like Christmas with white covering the ground IMG_4553 IMG_4538 In the continuous list of little fix it jobs being done this time of year, I am happy to let everyone in Brichwood know that Steve and Troy got the ceiling tile replaced in the lakeside bedroom. It had been stained with rain water last spring when Craig was replacing the roof. They have their sights set on a a few other ceiling tile issues in other cabins like Bayview 13 inches of snow I am sure tomorrow will be a blog full of snow in the pines pictures check out this site for a neat way of enjoying the Northwoods with Llama treking in Phillips. I have seen this featured on Discover Wisconsin and it looks like fun. It is about an hour from the resort. I can see next summer heading off on a trek. They also have a funny blog about dressing up their llamas for the Christmas parade as camels that you might find funny and a fun blog to watch
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