Charles, the Blind Dog Wonder

Posted: Jul 11, 2015
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_1706 Charlie aka, Charles, is one of my favorite resort dogs who visits. He is absolutely obsessed with balls. I have seen him dig in 3 feet of snow to find his ball and always comes back with it. That is why I was so sad to hear he got diabetes and lost his eye sight. How would Charlie enjoy life without being able to see his ball? I should not have ever worried, Charles, is very resourceful and where there is a will there is a way IMG_1707 Amaanda and Chris dunk the ball in some horrible smelling solution and Charlie sniffs it down. Once in awhile running into a tree, but he finds it IMG_1708 Working back and forth, back and forth IMG_1709 Yeah I found my ball! IMG_1702 I will give you the ball back but only if you promise to throw it again for me! IMG_1704 Eye sight or no eye sight he is a happy, happy dog with a ball
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