Cathedral Point Rope Swing

Posted: Sep 02, 2015
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_2267 We headed out on a family day before school starts adventure. Jake had been to Cathedral Point in Boulder Junction before and told us about this great rope swing we could go to. We waited for the right weather and everyone off of work and it worked out to be the day before school started. Perfect. Catherdral Point is by the ranger station on County M on the way to Boulder on Trout Lake IMG_2268 We walked through beautiful pines and had lunch looking out at the lake. Now to get to the rope swing.... It was across the channel. We had to swim to it. Jake left out that part of the description when he talked about going. I later learned that the channel in front of us was 90 feet deep and had a bit of a current and wind. I would recommend others that you bring along floatation devices or a small boat to go along with on the swim. We swam across and were fine but it was more of a swim than we were prepared for. It was nice to have Ben the lifeguard along just in case IMG_2276 We made it across to the rope swing and let the fun begin IMG_2277 Yaaaaa Hoooooooo. The water below the swing is very deep. Just hold on and let go IMG_2285 Jake going up the steps a bit higher IMG_2291 Here was my face plant in the lake. I did the swing and thankfully this is the only picture Troy took and I am happy with that IMG_2296 THe boys got more and more daring IMG_2295 Going for twists and turns IMG_2301 It was the perfect end of summer thing to do IMG_2326 On the way back we played it a bit safe and took a log along for the ride. Ben and Grants propeller legs got us all across. Years of swim club, high school swim team and life guard training are all in this picture IMG_2125 I forgot to post this picture a couple of weeks ago of the first pop tops being dropped off for next summers pop top collection for Ronald McDonald. Thanks for Barb and John Ellis for collecting and bringing tops for next July's pop top collection for the Chu girls. All will be delivered to the Ronald McDonald House by the girls next summer. So bring your pop tops when you come to the resort IMG_2064 You will make 4 girls very happy IMG_2059 and help to fill the wheel barrow
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