Catching Up On Fall
Posted: Oct 03, 2023
Get ready for beautiful fall pics. We have had a busy week in the color

The Wings kids stopped in to give us a plaque in appreciation for our support of their program for kids with special needs
They bring by our fire starters we sell on our fireplaces. Love this program teaching kids life skills. Oogie and Purl loved them as well

They picked up egg cartons left behind by guests. They appreciate any donations of candles and paper egg cartons that they turn into fire starters
We are restocked now for fall

Pretty pics from our blue trail

Dennis Thompson got a job from Steve. He had to reinstall his moms remembrance plaque on a new chair
Noreen was a great lady and would be happy to see her kids, grandkids and great grandkids enjoying summers at the resort to this day

Speaking of enjoying the resort.... how many people have been oogied by Oogie? Julie got quite Oogie hug

Oogje is particular in who he hugs. But when he hugs you, you know it. He loves Julie and Jim and many others
Dog slobber included

Troy and I took some time out for a trip in to Beef A Rama. Do not ask Troy's opinion of Dairy cows being featured at a beef eating event. He grew up I'm Dairyland and takes his cows seriously.

We found a quiet spot in Torpy park to enjoy our beef sandwich

Bryon got the honor of being a beef judge. He was judging the charcoal division

We took the bike trail in to the festival and the colors were amazing

Please contact us for specific information based on when you wish to vacation at Black's Cliff Resort.