Catching up

Posted: Aug 09, 2016
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_5356 We have had busy last week and a half that has involved a lot of things. Two of them being two craft fairs with the sock machines. So if you have noticed a lack of blog entries that is the reason. We also had the Wisconsin Department of Tourism at the resort filming some commercials for next year for the state IMG_5292 Here is the film crew getting ready to film the raft IMG_5293 It was quite a production and it took over the resort a bit, but next year it will be fun to see the footage in commercials seen through out the midwest on TV IMG_5305 We had a celebrity stop in with the filming. Stephanie Klett the head of the Department of tourism and host of Discover Wisconsin stopped in to see the filming IMG_5312 I took Stephanie on a boat ride in the 1956 boat she will not soon forget. I promise to slow down next time she goes IMG_5351 We also had some of my favorite girls of summer stop in. The Chu girls who always bring a spark and happiness where they go. They collect the pop tabs I collect all year for Ronald McDonald House IMG_5350 Here is Marin with the pop tabs that are going home with them this year. Thanks to all who drop them off through out the year. Keep saving them and bring them with you when you come to the resort for next July when the girls come again IMG_5347 I had to share one more picture of the girls. The rainy day they had became manicure and pedicure day in Eagles Nest. Nothing slows these girls down from having fun and smiling IMG_5346 I even got deliveries in the mail last week for the girls from a family that could not make it this year but wanted the girls to have their pop tops. Big thanks to the Darling Family for sending them to the girls IMG_5348 I spent an evening hearing stories from Mike Eberle who is 93 about his favorite memories of my grandfather Maynard. Mikes favorite story is Maynard convincing a man that the best fishing lure for muskies was a cigar butt on the end of a hook. Thanks to Mike for sharing his memories of Maynard, Bill and Mary Rindell and Orton Hixson. Also thanks to him for his service he fought in the Battle of the Bulge in WWII IMG_5345 We also had a visit from my Uncle Dave who had to try out the new motor on the ski boat IMG_5343 The new motor got a thumbs up from Uncle Dave. He agrees the boat is ready for the next 60 years with the new motor on the back IMG_5344 Uncle Dave giving Jake a ride. Driving this boat takes 30+ years off anyone who drove it as a teenager. All the old boat drivers who drove it from Me. Craig, Uncle Dave, Paul, Bunger, Kevin Kane and the Smith boys, when they drive it they get that gleam in their eye that scared Stephanie Klett but it sure is fun to drive.
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