Can Contest

Posted: Nov 19, 2010
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_4350 That time of year again to clean up all the aluminum cans from the resort and take them in for recycling. We hauled 3 truck loads like this and the question is how many pounds of cans did we collect this year? 5 dollar coupon chip to Hilltop for the closest guesser. Can Amy Hebert the Eastern mathematician pull it out again and win? To submit a guess simply send them in as comment to this entry and I will post them all and the winner by 5pm on Saturday. IMG_4351 Ben, Grant and Jake would like to thank everyone that crushed their own cans as they had to crush the remaining ones after picking up garbage. All the can money heads into their savings accounts for school IMG_4353 A couple of Christmas stockings headed out in the mail to Madison to a blog watcher named Cheryl who has never been to the resort but follows the daily activities on the blog each day. Always amazes me the people the blog touches and becomes their portal to the northwoods each day. Hope you enjoy the stockings Cheryl and Dustin and Abby too. 9 more stockings hanging around if anyone else wants to order them before Christmas. After Christmas I will knit up some more of them for the next year if anyone wants any for wedding or baby gifts
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