Camera is Back!

Posted: Apr 13, 2011
Categories:  Resort Life 
Best Buy made good finally on my broken camera. January 12th I sent my camera in, to have it cleaned. It came back the end of January with a smashed LCD screen. Returned to Best Buy February 8th for them to repair the damage they did, many phone calls later a talk with the store manager when I was told the camera was at their Wausau store for me to pick up it finally came in the mail to me today. I was not driving at 4 dollars a gallon down to Wausau to pick up the camera they broke. So far so good, it is clean and working fine. Now I am going to have to learn to carry it around again. I have gotten a little to used to keeping the small point and shoot in my pocket with the cell phone. I may have to concede and use both cameras here and there My first picture taking a shot of lonely Cliff this morning out on the lake. Of course once down all the steps I wished I had brought my telephoto for a close up of Cliff.. maybe tomorrow. Not used to changing lenses after 2 months of the point and shoot The raft starting to break loose of the icy grip It is a cooler day and we are going to try boiling off some of our sap inside today as long as the windows do not get steamed up. Trees are still running but I think we are getting to the end of the sap season. My neighbor, Matt with 200 taps took all his equipment and taps down on Sunday and spent yesterday washing everything up for next year. He thought the season was all done and had in all his years of sapping not seen the sap flow after two 60 degree days like it did this week
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