Buttoning Down the Hatches

Posted: Oct 21, 2015
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_2774 The lake and the dock are definitely feeling like late fall. Slowly all the chairs are making it up the hill. Just a few left at the beach. Time to get the dock, slide and raft in soon. This might be the final time the white dock is taken out. There are plans for next spring and a new dock IMG_2775 Beach looking a little empty IMG_2776 Pontoon loaded up and ready to head out for the winter. IMG_2777 Pontoons in dry dock for the winter IMG_2778 Shed remodeling continues with a new roof for the old shed. Old roof had to come off first IMG_2779 Craig overseeing the work from his favorite vantage point with a Miller Lite in his hand. Miller was on sale and better priced than Old Milwaukee this week IMG_2780 Cleared off and ready for shingles IMG_2787 The old shed is looking stylish in its old age of almost 100 years old. What would Maynard say to expensive shingles put on the shed over black tar paper. He is rolling his eyes somewhere resort 48140-1 Highway robbery is what he would say. resort 48151 I had a addition to this old picture shared by Craig. This is a pic of Maynard's good friend Jugo (his wife was Put, they had interesting names). He had just finished pouring the cement with Maynard for the fish house and was doing a jog in celebration of the completion of the fish house. Besides having an interesting name apparently he was a good dancer too. Maynard and Millie had some unique friends
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