Boat Wars Black Family Style

Posted: Aug 09, 2012
Categories:  Resort Life 
Family reunion of the Black Family always occurs in August when the East coast Black's come for a visit. Nothing makes a family reunion like a little war between the family using row boats. Boat Wars 2012 commenced. Dave Black Junior with Grant and Katie's son Conner in the closest boat vs. Steve and Katie's twins of terror Max and Sam and in the final green boat the teenagers Ben and Jake. Who would win the war? Shots fired. Goal is to sink your competitor by adding water to the boat. Only real rule followed is you can not bail out your boat, you can only take water out of the lake. The rest of it is up for grabs Steve showing great form by getting an entire bucket full in Ben and Jake's boat Sam safely retreating with Steve to take another volly Much strategy on how to approach Conner, Dave and Grant going into battle Ben and Jake taking a hit The peanut gallery of Dave Senior and Craig watching the antics from the side line Brother against brothers... Regrouping for battle. Notice the green boat of Jake and Ben is missing a oar. One of the twins got in the water and stole it when they were not looking. Perfect sneak from behind move. Stealing bailers is also allowed. Jake retaliates and steals Steve's oar while is back is turned, but one of the crafty twins has stolen a bailer from some boat and is returning to Steve's boat with it The battle wages on. Cousin vs. Cousin Ben with an oarless boat dives in to try a boarding of Dave's boat to submerge a corner a classic boat war move With the other 2 boats distracted Steve sneaks in and steals his oar back and has with the help of the twins claimed many of the bailers Steve returns to the fray and goes in for the killing move on Dave Dave putting up the white flag of surrender Captain going down with his ship and his minions With his boat down, Dave takes on the smart mouthed green boat of Jake and Ben The last boat standing taking a run for it We are the champions!!! The champions until a huge motor boat went by and the water logged boat of Steve's had a hard time staying afloat through the huge waves Til 2013 when the war starts again
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