Bad Loon Parents
Posted: Jul 28, 2014
Loon drama on the lake. I was eating breakfast and heard a huge commotion on the lake with the loons calling the yodel and tremolo calls which means distress. I grabbed my camera to head down and..... the phone rings with a reservation.... 10 minutes later after the reservation was made and the calling stopped I made it to the lake to see the baby loon floating by itself with no parents around. Looking a bit forlorn

I got some nice pictures of it. I believe it has been banned by out local loon researcher.

Where are the parents. Not another loon to be heard on the lake. Bad loon parents off gallivanting. Baby just floating eagle and muskie bait

Finally a parent arrives on to the lake. Where did they go and why? I do not know.

2nd parent drops in

Parents on the lake but their heads in the water with no idea where the baby is.

3rd loon flying over head. I am guessing there was a territory fight and the parents where defending their lake and baby from interlopers. For all the peaceful pictures taken of the loons and their peaceful sounds they are an aggressive bird.

More flying and flapping as the baby floats with nobody noticing it

Finally a parent seems to remember they have a baby somewhere

Hey you were supposed to be watching the kid.... No I thought you were.... Where did the kid go? Bad parents who need to be turned into social services

Ah everyone back together. Now please remember someone needs to stay behind with the baby or the eagle will have a feast and social services will be called

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