Are you ready for Summer? We are almost....

Posted: May 28, 2010
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_1826 All cabins are cleaned up and ready for Memorial Day Weekend. If Craig looks at this picture he is going to say something about painting the facia board on the front of Birchwood but time just ran out, next week IMG_1823 A few last touches. Everyone's favorite table on the blue dock needs a touch up paint job IMG_1824 This cool old glider rocker I found at Island City Antique Market is going to get a paint job and ready for summer. Not sure where I am going to put it.... Needs just the right spot. I was glad I found it, they had just put it out for an hour before I snagged it at Island City Antiques IMG_1825 Horseshoes also need a quick coat of paint. Summer here we come!
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