Black's Cliff Birch Bark Blog

Welcome to the Black's Cliff Resort Blog! Here, we share stories from our lakeside retreat, highlight seasonal events, and offer glimpses into the serene life of Northern Wisconsin's Northwoods. Whether you're planning your next getaway or reminiscing about past visits, our blog provides a window into the experiences that make our resort a cherished destination.

And the Winners Are...

Posted: May 03, 2011

Excerpt: Before I announce the winners of the Domino Cabin Indentification Contest, let me introduce the architects of this feat. My college girlfriends were at the resort this weekend from UW River Falls. It was rainy and cold all weekend with lots of kids underfoot. My friend Mary with her daughter Marie created this masterpiece. Marie is Autistic and Mary... Read more

How cold has it been the last week?

Posted: May 02, 2011

Excerpt: It is so cold we spotted these geese flying south..... This entry brought to you by the mind of Steve I will announce the contest winners as soon as I round up a couple of pictures.... I am struggling with one that I only have the back of this individual out at the raft. This person never faces the... Read more

New Contest

Posted: May 01, 2011

Excerpt: Can you name the cabin depicted above in dominos floor plan? Keep in mind we were limited to full size Dominos so some creative liberties were taken but the basic plan is there if you look closely To enter the contest put your answer in the comment section of this blog entry. I will randomly select winners from the... Read more

What is that in the sky?

Posted: Apr 29, 2011

Excerpt: The sun has come out finally after what felt like 40 days and 40 nights of rain The customary picture of the tree snag and tree reflections on a quiet morning on Lower Kaubashine One last remaining oak leaf holding on over the water I know yesterday I said I was not bringing out the camera until the sun... Read more


Posted: Apr 28, 2011

Excerpt: Yes that is snow on Kaubashine's roof this morning and no, I am not posting anymore pictures today out of protest. My camera is not coming out again until blue skies are seen... Read more

Drip drip drip.. Is that a flake?

Posted: Apr 27, 2011

Excerpt: I think these 2 sum up what the Northwoods is like for the next 2 days. Cold wet, snow showers and showers... but the show must go on spring or no spring! In their wet misery they managed to get the side of Kaubashine looking better. Erosion had done a number on the side of Kaubashine They also got... Read more

Piles and Piles of....

Posted: Apr 26, 2011

Excerpt: It was a day of piles that kept appearing everywhere around the resort getting ready for spring. Truck load of cedar mulch for the gardens Steve trying to figure out what to do on the side of Kaubashine to stop the erosion. First layer road gravel Playground getting a delivery of wood chips You ordered then now where do... Read more

Happy Birthday

Posted: Apr 26, 2011

Excerpt: Happy birthday Mack! He turns 5 today and looks so excited about it. Now on to the conditions We had been gone over the weekend and came back to a different world at the resort. Our wonderful snow has had a toll taken on it by the warmer temps. The lake top has melted away. There is good and... Read more


Posted: Apr 23, 2011

Excerpt: A truck filled with tools means the guys are moving and almost done with their job in Wigwam Fire going means they are cleaning up the evidence of their destruction Steve showing off his new shelves that Tim Hixson requested last summer. It should be a nice addition to cupboard space in Wigwam. Steve would like to point out... Read more

Fountain of Youth

Posted: Apr 22, 2011

Excerpt: How can you have this look on your face and feel better than you have your entire life? The answer to all problems is in the pot of maple sap. Just dip your glass in and... drink away. Steve says it is wetter than water and colder than ice. He actually shaved this morning clean shaven and you can... Read more

Loon is Back

Posted: Apr 21, 2011

Excerpt: After 2 days of tantalizing me with far off calls and appearing by the road when I was in a hurry on the way to pick someone up or drop off at school with no camera I finally caught the loon! With a lake still half frozen the loon has restricted swimming area for awhile but it was hanging... Read more

Into the Wild

Posted: Apr 20, 2011

Excerpt: So why did our minivan get so dirty... driving down 10 miles of roads like this with muddy spots in them had us gripping the wheel as we plowed through the slippery mud praying we would not get stuck and seen on the local news as missing in the Chequamagon forest surrounded by wolves and surviving on granola bars... Read more

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