And the Winner of Ice Out 2009 is...

Posted: Apr 15, 2009
Categories:  Resort Life 
Jim Kotowicz pictured last fall with his wife Nancy and Poe. Jim and Nancy spent a week at the resort watching the place this spring. Jim spent some time down at the lake having a few beers with Cliff just like our 2008 winner Fritz. Does anyone see a pattern here? Congrats to Jim see ya at Hilltop for a beer with Cliff this spring, maybe Fritz will be around too. Cliff at noon April 14th not quite sunk Hanging on by a thread. My flash was not working right and if you look closely you can see he has sunk at 8pm April 14th. Troy and I called it together. The life preserver was doing its job holding him up but the ice was gone. Congrats to Jim. I hear Hazel has eyes on a new bone
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