Air Conditioning Black's Cliff Style

Posted: Dec 02, 2008
Categories:  Resort Life 
[caption id="attachment_580" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Crow Bar ready for action"]Crow Bar ready for action[/caption] When the resort gets quiet and nobody around the guys get the crow bar out and holes start appearing [caption id="attachment_582" align="alignnone" width="375" caption="Anyone remember this window"]Anyone remember this window[/caption] Anyone remember laying in bed and looking out this window at the lake? You can see Troy or Craig if you have a spot in your house for this piece of the Northwoods. I don't recommend it for outside windows for heating reasons but it is a cool old window [caption id="attachment_583" align="alignnone" width="375" caption="Air Conditioned Cabin"]Air Conditioned Cabin[/caption] Picture for anyone who has wanted a Air Conditioned Cabin at Black's Cliff. Anne Scully how is this for air conditioning (it is the closest we will ever get to it) Anne remember you are the one who asked for it and Craig will be adjusting your rate for this cabin improvement This picture is for Rich and Gloria, their view of the lake has been expanded for their bedroom. Craig will also be adjusting your rate for this extra view and air conditioning [caption id="attachment_584" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="The work goes on with snowflakes in the air"]The work goes on with snowflakes in the air[/caption] [caption id="attachment_586" align="alignnone" width="375" caption="For everyone else"]For everyone else[/caption] Everyone else will be happy to see the new larger more heat efficient windows in place in Birchwood. Will the siding make it back on before spring.... For all Chrismas Light Lovers out there this picture is for you [caption id="attachment_581" align="alignnone" width="375" caption="Beginning to look like Christmas "]Beginning to look like Christmas[/caption] Every year the extension cords and LED lights come out to as many small trees like this that I can reach. I love seeing the trees lite up every year. Off to Ace Hardware for a few more lights this year. I have my eyes on a couple more trees to light up. I think we are up to half a dozen now through the resort that we light up. The prettiest one is by Wildflower and when we turn off the driveway lights it is a single tree away from all other lights lite up in the woods
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