A Walk On The Wild Side

Posted: Jul 24, 2014
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_4999 The Ament Family, Nathan, Jamie, Noah and Charlie shared with me their pictures of walking our blue trail through the woods to Kitty Springs. Thanks to Charlie and Noah for humoring their mom and going along on the walk without complaining (much) IMG_4998 Heading down the trail slaying dragons and monsters with their sticks as they go IMG_4997 Watch out for monsters in the woods IMG_4996 Nothing better than checking out the deer stands along the trail to get a birds eye view of the monsters in the woods IMG_4995 Hi Mom.... we will be fine... really... IMG_4994 Meanwhile back at the resort, Charlie and Noah's grandma was teaching Mack the wonders of sweet potato treats. Mack has no idea they are good for him and fat free. Molly was not letting him in on the secret either Thanks to the Ament Family for sharing their pics and braving the bugs to go down the trail
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