52 years

Posted: Aug 04, 2019
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_9963 One family and 52 years of summer fun on Lower Kaubashine enjoying mornings like this IMG_9983 That would be The Thompson Family. Some will remember their infamous commercials from a couple of years ago telling the entire mid west to come to Wisconsin and enjoy it as much as they do. We fit as many of them as we could on one pontoon boat but are missing a few members. The boat came back with this crew a hour later and none lost along the way IMG_9964 John Thompson was thrilled to have his first grandson, Jackson join the family on vacation this year. Jackson got a bath in the kitchen sink just like his dad did many years ago. Jackson is ready for many more years of fun in Wisconsin with his grandpa IMG_9972 Jackson not as awake picking up his new Christmas stocking along with Mom and Dad. They join the long list of families that have Jenny's Christmas stockings hanging from their mantel this Christmas. If you want any Jenny has them all made up right now and the supply goes down fast as Christmas gets closer, they always sell out IMG_9973 Leah and Brian Darling ready to toast their own resort tradition at 8 years along with the Thompsons. Leah told me a funny story of the first time she drove into the resort and saw a lady in her PJ's and coffee cup headed to the lake without a care about hair or makeup. Leah decided this kind of relaxation was just what she needed to be comfortable in a place and people around you to go out your door with your PJ's on. I do think I have spotted Leah at one time or another with her PJ's and coffee headed to the lake IMG_9958 Steve and John had been talking over the year about the entrance remodel for Muskie. John always likes a project as long as it does not start at the crack of dawn. IMG_9959 Steve loves a chance to use whole logs! IMG_9965 IMG_9970 Going up slowly over 4 days IMG_9980 IMG_9981 Another project off Steve's list and John had fun helping. Stick around the resort for 52 years and you get a say in the projects as long as you help which John always has. Our office building was another project he enjoyed being a part of IMG_9999 Muskie ready to welcome the next 52 years of Thompsons through its new door
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