2015 Horse Shoe Tournament and Picnic

Posted: Jul 12, 2015
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_1712 4th of July means one thing at Black's Cliff, time for the annual Roy Tungett horseshoe tournament. Mr Tungett could not join us this year and it put a bit of a damper on the tournament without his family there as well, but the show went on. We all wish Mr Tungett a speedy recovery IMG_1711 The partners and brackets were set for one of the biggest tournaments we have had. Time to do the "Pole Dance" IMG_1713 We hold the tournament at Hilltop the other resort down the road. They have awesome pits and even better beverages and ice cream IMG_1715 Let the fun begin! IMG_1716 Of course there is no true tournament without a coveted prize. This is what we play for the lamp and bragging rights IMG_1717 Excitement started the tournament as Sarah got a ringer! IMG_1719 Others like Kelsey come for the Ting soda and fries as they watch the festivities IMG_1720 Graham and his sister Amelia are fans of the ice cream. Mary Ellen makes great oreo blizzards IMG_1722 I got Rich for a partner. One of the best Pole Dancer's we have in the tournament IMG_1723 The grounds keepers and officials Chris and Trevor kept it all neat and official. No arguments about points or ringers. IMG_1725 Our first game against Kim she pulled off this leaning pair IMG_1726 Rich informed me we could win with a ringer and guess what happened... Sorry Kim, no lamp for you this year... IMG_1727 Back to having fun. Many will remember Dawn who stayed at the resort for many summers in the late 70's and early 80's keeping an eye on Katie, Steve and me. Dawn always shows up for the tournament with her husband Buck. Dawn has a record at the resort. She is the high score winner on the pinball game. She flipped the game over twice one year scoring over 200,000 points on the machine. A feat that has never been topped. IMG_1729 The tournament wears on IMG_1730 Some take a cat nap waiting for the semi finals to start IMG_1731 Faithful grounds keepers and grounds keeper and scorer in training Trevor in the background. Trevor is taking notes on all the rules of horse shoes IMG_1740 We had husbands going against wives. Alaina vs. Eric. Just as this picture was taken Eric had to move quickly as Alaina threw her first shoe which almost rang Eric's foot IMG_1742 Eric throwing back IMG_1745 Much discussion and a ruling by Chris, Alaina comes out winning and moving on IMG_1744 All is fair in love and war. IMG_1749 The final came down to Rich IMG_1754 and I against... IMG_1755 Sarah and... IMG_1761 Will. Will was excited to be in the final game. He had played in the tournament for 21 years and never made it to the finals. His name along with a few other long running non winners had made it on the infamous pony plaque. Will knew that just making it to the final he had won and would be taking his name off the pony plaque this year IMG_1763 And who went away with the winning lamp...... yep Rich and I IMG_1765 Rich was thrilled to bring it to his cabin and leave it for the year in Muskie Inn. Gloria his wife was not so sure about it and it looked great on the stump IMG_1766 Now time to get ready for the rest of the festivities. The resort wide cook out. Everyone on the playground with a dish to pass and meat cooked at 5:30 sharp! Bob and Kyle getting the grill going and relaxing after the tournament with Mack IMG_1767 Mack was in 7th heaven when Bob discovered the right spot to itch IMG_1771 The food bar was set up... IMG_1770 The corn bar was open along with the magical pitcher of melted butter floating on top of hot water to dip the corn in IMG_1772 Time to eat!. IMG_1769 There was one thing that did need to be done during the festivities. A toast to Mr Tungett and the rest of the family with some Sambvca and orange slices. Linda is smiling somewhere as everyone made a face and downed the concoction IMG_1775 Here is to many more years of the Roy Tungett Horseshoe Tournament and friends and family gathering together IMG_1787 After the toast there was a ceremony to remove Will's name from the pony plaque. Congrats Will! IMG_1798 Now that everyone has left and last weeks festivities have come to an end and a new group is in the resort for their own traditions and time together, Char and Karey are trying to figure out how Muskie Inn came into possession of such a unique table lamp..... To be continued in 2016
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