2 - 4 inches of more snow?

Posted: Mar 17, 2013
Categories:  Resort Life 
Mack would like to report the snow is great for running in. There are an additional 2 - 4 inches coming in tomorrow.... Mack may love it but I am starting to wish for spring even with the 2 spring trips we have made in the last week. 2 spring trips, a cleaned basement and a cleaned attic... yep that is a sure sign of spring fevor Someone was being a ham for the camera I If you are 15 and 13 you deal with spring fever by asking your dad to drag you behind the gator Time to put the snow shoes away but we may need them tomorrow to get to school I think I feel like this icicle when they mention 2 - 4 inches Cliff buried.... with no sign of melting.. it is going to be a long wait. Tomorrow I will publish the ice out list with everyone's guesses Hey Julia, your side will be unfrozen soon.... maybe There is a light at the end of the tunnel. 40's by next Sunday we hope. Maybe the maple trees will start flowing by then and Cliff will come out of hibernation
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