Black's Cliff offers one of the best swimming areas in the Northwoods. We have 2 large L shaped piers that surround our swimming area. We have sandy bottom til just beyond our L shaped pier where it is about 5 feet. After that the bottom drops off quickly and out by our diving raft the lake is deep enough to have lots of fun off the raft.

Our beach has a beach wall protecting it. Kids can play on the beach and parents can relax in our vintage green beach chairs or kick back in our lounge chairs either on the beach or on the 2 L shaped docks. When kids first get in the water it is a foot to a foot and a half deep depending on the water level of the lake. 2 gradual step areas make it easy to get in the water.

A ski dock down the shoreline from the swimming area provides a place for ski boats to come and go from that does not disrupt the swimming area.
Bring along floats of your own to enjoy a lazy afternoon floating on Lower Kaubashine or use our inner tubes. Canoe, paddle boats and Kayaks with in easy by the beach make it a perfect way to enjoy a summer afternoon with family and friends.