- Tree House
- Swings
- Slide
- Chinning Bars
- Basketball
- Tetherball
- Horse Swings
- Teeter Totter
- Sandbox
- Sand Volleyball Court
- Sitting area
Volleyball Court has with lights for night playing!
Black's Cliff has one of the nicest playgrounds for families to enjoy. The center of the playground is The Treehouse, which has been enjoyed for 2 generations. It was built and designed by Craig in the 80's. It has grown to 2 stories of fun with swings for all sizes- babies to adults, a sandbox, chinning bars, a rope swing, a slide and a tire swing. It has been kid tested and approved.
Wooden Horse Swings that are original to the resort from the 30's, have been lovingly cared for by the Black family and enjoyed by generations of kids. They are something special for kids to experience that will not be found on other playgrounds.
Two sizes of Basketball hoops have made it possible for everyone from 2 - 99 to have fun. Watching little kids dunk their first basketball in a big hoop has brought a smile to many little faces. Many pick up games for teens and adults are enjoyed each summer.
Volleyball Court has chairs around it for spectators. Many games have been played into the evening with the lights on. When volleyball is not the game, many games of Nukem have been played on summer nights keeping the kids and adults busy.
The center of the playground is a cedar swing and adirondak chairs. This allows parents and grandparents a nice place to gather and talk while the kids play.
The playground has been a gathering place where many long lasting friendships have started as kids swinging and have carried over to the teen years on the volleyball and basketball courts and eventually relaxing on a cedar swing and watching the next generation learn how to not fall off the horse swings.